20 Minute Abs

Sometimes half the battle can be getting to the gym, especially when you’re not looking or feeling your best. Luckily, I have an ab circuit that you can complete in the privacy of your own home. I’ve put together some of my favourite bodyweight exercises, which means no equipment and no excuses. You cannot spot reduce fat, and if anyone tells you that you can, tell them this is a total myth. As much as I wish it weren’t so, your body will burn fat from a predetermined store, and in the same way that running will not solely burn fat from your legs, abdominal exercises won’t solely burn fat from your stomach. This is why cardio and resistance training go hand in hand if you want to see muscle definition in your abs. And let’s face it, we all do. This circuit will hit your core and then finishing with a round of HIIT will blast your body fat.

A format I like to use for abs is to interchange two exercises and complete three sets of each one. I’ll set the timer for 6 x 45 seconds and hit each movement back to back. I’ll give myself a 30 second rest then move onto another two exercises. The more you mix it up, the more you keep your body guessing, and the more interesting you make it for yourself.

Our first two exercises today are bicycle crunches and what I call Spiderman press ups.

Bicycle crunch: Lie flat on your back and hold your hands either side of your head. As you crunch up, draw your left knee up and your right elbow across to meet it. You should feel the burn in your core as you crunch up and over. Repeat on the other side and keep alternating slowly and smoothly. As with any exercise, keep total control over your range of movement.

Spiderman press ups: Assume a normal press up position, and as you press down, bring your left knee up to meet your left elbow. Repeat on the right hand side. The traditional press up is great because it employs multiple muscle groups but this one adds an extra level of difficulty. You’re adding extra load to one side of your body, whilst engaging the core muscles as you move your knee to your elbow.

30 second rest. 30 seconds, I mean it! No cheating.

Our second two exercises are mountain climbers and tricep press ups into side planks.

Mountain climbers: Place your hands firmly under your shoulders and keep your arms straight, with a nice flat back – no bums in the air! Alternatively drive your knees up into your chest in a fast movement, as if you’re running. This is designed to be an explosive movement, so challenge yourself to see how many reps you can complete before the time is up. Keep your core tight and keep your knees close to your chest, fight against the natural instinct to let your bum rise. You want to be as straight as possible, from your shoulders to your hips to your toes.

Tricep press ups into side plank: Rather than the traditional press up position, where the palms find a comfortable wide stance underneath you, in order to hit the triceps you need to pull your hands in closer and keep your elbows tucked into your body. You should find this harder than a traditional press up, so you may want to use your knees for support. Remember, it’s your workout. Push down into the ground and up again. From this position, move into a side plank, fully opening up the body and holding the position for a second. Repeat this exercise, alternating from side to side.

Take thirty seconds to recover and have a quick drink of water.

The last two exercises are plank jacks and toe taps.

Plank jacks: Assume a plank position and get ready for another explosive movement. Keeping yourself firmly braced on your forearms, push your legs out into a horizontal star jump. Bring them back in together and repeat. You’ll feel this one burn in your core, but push through and aim for as many reps as possible. In some exercises we look for control over speed, but this is not one of them. The higher the number, the better. Keep a firm core and focus on maintaining a flat plank position.

Toe taps: Lie flat on your back (off to a good start, but it will get harder…) and raise your legs in the air, so you make a right angle. Lift your arms up, and crunch towards your legs, aiming to touch your toes with your fingers.

That’s your 15 minute ab sequence done!

Now to finish with a 4 minute HIIT circuit to really raise your heart rate and spike your metabolism.

20 seconds jumping jacks (10 seconds rest)
20 seconds high knees (10 seconds rest)
20 seconds suicide sprints (10 seconds rest)
20 seconds burpees (10 seconds rest)
20 seconds jumping squats (10 seconds rest)
20 seconds speed skaters (10 seconds rest)
20 seconds press ups (10 seconds rest)
20 seconds jumping lunges (10 seconds rest)

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