Overnight Oats

Every time I hear someone say ‘I don’t have time for breakfast’, I know that what they usually mean is, ‘I can’t be bothered to get up 15 minutes earlier’. If you don’t know by now how bad skipping breakfast is for your body, where the hell have you been? There are no excuses. If Barack Obama can find the time to get up, eat breakfast, workout and be the President of America, then I think Helen in Marketing can probably find enough time to eat something in the morning.

Most processed breakfast cereals contain hidden quantities of sugar, so they’re not a great way to start your day. And don’t get me started on breakfast bars and biscuits. Porridge oats are a much healthier alternative. Oats are a great source of magnesium, which can help to prevent heart attacks and strokes by relaxing blood vessels and regulating blood pressure. There is also evidence to suggest that it can reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Oats also contain beta-glucans, a type of soluble fibre that slows down the absorption of carbohydrates into the bloodstream. This helps to prevent the wild spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels which encourage our bodies to produce and store fat. During the summer, you might not feel like having a warm bowl of porridge, so here’s a great alternative. It’s cheap, delicious and really easy to prepare.

Before I go to bed, I weigh out 30g of organic porridge oats. I soak them in a little water (don’t drown them) and leave them in the fridge overnight. Due to the soaking, you’ll be amazed at how little milk you need to add the next morning. The soaking also aids with digestion and absorption. When I wake up, I only have to add a splash of coconut milk. Coconuts have amazing health benefits, and coconut milk is deliciously creamy, so it’s a great substitute for people who like full fat milk. It has a very mild coconut flavour, and it’s high in good fats.


Add a sliced banana or a few handfuls of berries, and sprinkle some nuts and seeds on top to make sure you’re starting the day with some protein. I love blueberries and chia seeds, but you can use whatever toppings you like; my mum loves grated apple with cinnamon and pecan nuts on hers.

Enjoy! x

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